Technology Usage Policy

CTU students, faculty, and staff are advised to use proper social and professional etiquette when using CTU’s technology resources and systems. Use of CTU’s technology resources and systems and their related networks implies consent for monitoring of traffic that is necessary for smooth administration of these resources and systems.

CTU does not condone the use of inappropriate language or images when communicating to students, faculty, and staff. CTU’s technology resources and systems must not be used to produce, view, store, replicate, distribute, display, or transmit harassing, obscene, or offensive materials. This includes, but is not limited to, material from the Internet, screen savers, virtual background images, pseudonyms or any printed or online material. Any student who violates this policy is subject to the CTU Student Conduct Policy and other related policies.

CTU technology resources and systems must not be used for any purposes that cause excessive strain (directly or indirectly) or unwarranted and unsolicited interference with the use of these technology resources and systems. Engaging in any use that would interfere with another student’s, faculty’s, or staff member’s work or disruption of the intended use of technology resources and systems is prohibited. Pursuant with CTU’s Student Conduct Policy, Employee Handbook, and Faculty Handbook any passwords or other permissions granted to students, faculty, and staff for the use of technology resources and systems must be safeguarded and not be shared or disseminated.

CTU technology resources and systems should only be used to accomplish CTU-specific tasks, goals, and learning objectives. No other use is sanctioned by the University. Penalties for misuse of e-mail, Internet, or any other part of CTU’s technology resources or systems are to be determined by the University Administration consistent with the CTU Student Conduct Policy and other related policies.