Software Development Full-Time Schedule



Instruction will challenge the class to solve an algorithm in groups - drafting solutions and ideas - and present some solutions. Then, as a whole group, cohorts will collaborate and discuss. The difficulty of the algorithms will increase as students progress through the program.

Why algorithms? A strong foundation in algorithms is key to being a successful developer. Regardless of which week a student is in, algorithms will always be a core piece of the schedule. Drafting out solutions to complex algorithms in a small group setting is an essential part of daily life as a developer and a critical element of job interviews. Coding Dojo wants all students to be equipped for success.


Lectures and Discussion

Students are expected to watch the assigned videos and complete the assigned readings prior to the discussion session. Discussion sessions recap and clarify key learning objectives that will be implemented and solidified throughout the day. Discussion sessions typically last approximately 30-45 minutes and focus on heavily engaging student participation.

All lectures are recorded and reinforce concepts from the Learn Platform that the student will need to complete their assignments. In any given week, a student will be responsible for completing various assignments on the current subject matter to help them reach familiarity through application building.


Group Activities

Some days start with an assignment to work on with classmates. The assignment will often cover a difficult aspect of the curriculum, to explore through collaboration and verbalization of concepts. Collaboration and the ability to communicate with other developers is also a key skill for any modern developer.



Tech and Career Talks

Coding Dojo may occasionally host visitors from the tech community to share their experience or Career Service Managers to offer career advice to students. Visitors may include seasoned developers, hiring managers from tech companies, CTOs, startup founders, alumni, and more!


Special Sessions

Based on an instructor's evaluation of student needs, special sessions may be held to address problematic concepts in the curriculum for groups of students.


Lab Time

Post-lecture lab hours are where most of a student's learning will take place. Afternoons are spent in supervised lab sessions working through course content, assignments, and projects on the new curriculum for the day. Instructional staff will be available for questions or issues as they come up.



Access to Course Materials

After formal instruction for the day has concluded, students will still have full access to all the course content on the online learning platform. Without any interruptions, students can continue learning throughout the night and at home.


Online Chat Support

Coding Dojo leverages an online chat service (e.g., Discord) to encourage students to collaborate at any time of the day from anywhere. This is a typical tool used in the industry and is a good way for students to get exposed to industry life. Students and staff are expected to adhere to proper online communication etiquette (e.g., safe for work postings, cordial language) when using the resource.


Additional Resources

Students are equipped with a checklist, cohort communication tool, access to Small Group Code Review (SGCR), and access to online teaching assistants (see TA Hours section for more information).