College of General Education and Psychology

College of General Education and Psychology

Jennifer Palmer
University Dean, College of General Education and Psychology
PhD, Mercer University
MA, Georgia College and State University

Margaret Carmack
Executive Program Director, College of General Education and Psychology
PhD, University of North Carolina
MA, College of William and Mary

Jennifer Daines
Executive Program Director, College of General Education and Psychology
EdD, Benedictine University
MA, University of Texas at San Antonio

Amanda Herwatic
Lead Faulty, College of General Education and Psychology
EdD, University of Nebraska
MS, University of Central Arkansas

Max Fassnacht

Lead Faculty, College of General Education and Psychology
MA, University of British Columbia

Tonya Haas
Lead Faculty, College of General Education and Psychology
MS, Johns Hopkins University

Scott Moreno
Lead Faculty, College of General Education and Psychology
MS, Purdue University

Abigail Ngwako
Lead Faulty, College of General Education and Psychology
PhD, Keiser University
MeD, National Louis University

Joshua Rhodes
Lead Faculty, College of General Education and Psychology
MSM, Colorado Technical University

Joshua Rockey
Lead Faculty, College of General Education and Psychology
MA, Ball State University

Lara Seng
Lead Faculty, College of General Education and Psychology
MA, University of Colorado

Sheneka Gioffredi
Lead Faculty, College of General Education and Psychology
MS, University of Fort Lauderdale

Nancy Trojanowski
Lead Faculty, College of General Education and Psychology
EdD, Grand Canyon University
MS, Illinois Institute of Technology

Leah Willis
Lead Faculty, College of General Education and Psychology
PhD, University of Virginia

Kristi Yorks
Lead Faculty, College of General Education and Psychology
MFA, Naropa University