PSYC360 Psychological Tests and Measurements

The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of the field of psychological testing and how it is used in today’s workplace. It will cover the basic principles of testing, psychological assessment and measuring psychological constructs as well as hands on experience with some of the most widely used psychological tests. Students learn about test development and such governing ideas as validity and reliability. The course provides familiarity with the skills needed to understand, select, administer, score and interpret individual and group administered instruments. The ethical and legal issues surrounding tests and the use of profiles and results will also be addressed. Students may be asked to create a simple test as an action learning application of the concepts taught. In particular the 360 feedback™ performance appraisal inventory, also known as multi-rater feedback, very commonly used in today’s organizations, will be reviewed as a tool for providing performance feedback, development and as a vehicle for motivating and energizing people in the workplace.










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