ENGL103 Composition: Writing and Research

This course builds upon ENGL101 Composition and Critical Thinking. Students practice drafting progressively complex papers, demonstrating college level research skills and writing essays that convey information, make a point, or provide an opinion. Students study the APA Handbook, learn about plagiarism, and conduct research, accurately citing CTU resources. In addition, this course uses readings to demonstrate excellence and eloquence in speaking and writing, emphasizing the crucial synergy between learning to write and developing the practice critically reading and evaluating texts. This is a highly collaborative course, with students reading and critiquing others’ work, as a means to create a learning community as well as develop critical thinking and reading skills. Research/Information Literacy Skills: The Information Literacy workshops challenge students to use the library’s resources to find credible resources, , and allow them to learning about important writing and research skills such as evaluating and summarizing information from sources.


ENGL101 or ENGL111 or ENGL125






General Education