Enrollment Period Definition

Colorado Technical University follows the 11-week quarter system. Each quarter consists of two sessions of 5-1/2 weeks each. In each 11-week quarter, sessions are identified as Session A and Session B. If a student begins his or her degree program at the beginning of a Session A, he or she will have their academic quarter identified as that found on the Academic Calendar. Students who begin their degree program at the beginning of Session B will have their 11-week academic quarter defined as the 5-1/2 weeks of Session B and the subsequent 5-1/2 weeks of Session A. To illustrate this, a Session A student's quarter is defined below, followed by a Session B student's quarter:

Quarter definition for student who starts degree program in Session A:

Session A

5 1/2 weeks

11-Week Quarter (Session C)

Session B

5 1/2 weeks

Quarter definition for student who starts degree program in Session B:

Session B

5 1/2 weeks

11-Week Quarter (Session D)

Session A

5 1/2 weeks