ENGL125-L Real World Writing

This is one of the most important courses you can take—it will lay the foundation for your entire college and professional career as an educated person.  In it, we will address how to write and speak to make a point; how to use good grammar, vocabulary and logical thinking; as well as how to find a suitable topic for your writing assignments.   We will start with the basics:  reviewing sentences and paragraphs, and then move on to the classic five-part college essay or theme.  There are different rules of the game for writing academically than writing for business.  We want to teach students the “culture” of being solid college-level communicators and successful professionals.  This workshop course is highly experiential, supportive, and collaborative, as students read and critique each other’s’ work.

This is the first in a sequence on Composition and Writing skills.  The second course, ENGL126 OR ENGL126-L, in this series will build upon this one—addressing how to research and use resources without plagiarizing, how to utilize the APA formatting for documentation and how to make a persuasive argument.  Our view of the required composition sequence is that it is essential for all who want to become skilled critical thinkers and educated people.




This course is no longer offered.