BHVS410 Positivist Psychology and Leadership

There is a new, but powerful wing of psychology called Positivist Psychology. The course is based on compelling research that people thrive when they feel good self esteem and receive positive encouragement from others around them. The Pygmalion Effect, or the Power of the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, teaches us that students are more likely to learn when their teachers believe they can do it, and, similarly, workers are more likely to perform well when their leaders hold out positive expectations of their performance. This course builds upon the insights of positivist psychology to study the concept of value-based servant leadership, a philosophy and practice defined by Robert Greenleaf which has gained prominence over the end of the last century and the beginning of the 21st. The philosophy resonates with the popular work of Stephen Covey on the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and the best-selling business book Good to Great by Jim Collins. By examining these approaches, students develop their own personal creed or leadership mantra based on the psychology of the positive and the seven key practices of servant leaders.










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