PSYC310 Organizational Psychology
Organizational Psychology is a foundational course. Alternatively called Organizational Behavior, it provides perspectives and tools for understanding behavior in organizations of any kind and resources to help managers and leaders improve, enhance or change work behaviors. It operates from three frames of reference or levels of analysis: individuals, groups and the organization as a whole and often works to align the behaviors of all three. Topics to be addressed include structure and foundations of organization, stages of organization development, culture, power and politics, leadership, decision-making and communication. The role of the change agent or organization consultant will be explored along with the roles and responsibilities of managers, leaders and followers. All will be viewed in light of the constant change, permanent whitewater, which exists in today’s businesses, making the need for organizational expertise even more compelling. This course is useful for anyone who finds themselves inside an organization, tasked with improvement, innovation or managing change.
Available online only.