Master of Science in Management - Criminal Justice Concentration

Effective May 15, 2011, this program is no longer available for future enrollments

The Master of Science in Management with a concentration in Criminal Justice (MSM-CJ) is designed to meet the emerging administrative and leadership needs of the criminal justice system. The criminal justice field is rapidly expanding in the areas of corrections, law enforcement, law and the courts, and in many types of diversionary and ancillary programs that support the system. As a result, those with leadership and management skills, and those with expertise in program evaluation, budgeting and policy-making will help forge the future of the criminal justice system.

This program is designed specifically to develop the knowledge base and skills essential to those who will become the managers of people, money and programs, and leaders in planning and decision making in the criminal justice system. These skills are applicable to a wide spectrum of employment areas for both public and nonprofit organizations within the criminal justice system and ancillary agencies. The Master of Science in Management with a concentration in Criminal Justice was developed with the direction of leaders in the criminal justice industry and reflects the balance needed for developing excellent administrative skills along with the information base necessary to enhance responsible policy-making.


  • Discuss trends in the development of public policies and apply management principles and
  • policy analysis techniques to current issues facing criminal justice and juvenile justice
  • Use research results to enhance administrative problem solving and decision making
  • Explore proactive strategies that reflect responsible organizational values
  • Examine how court rulings, public opinion, research findings, and legislative actions have
  • influenced justice-related policies
  • Analyze the realities of translating public policy into operational practice in law enforcement,
  • correctional and juvenile justice agencies
  • Evaluate the impact and cost-effectiveness of justice policies and organizational practices
  • Identify innovative approaches for developing rational, fiscally responsible policy choices
  • Apply management and leadership theories to the challenges faced by modern public safety

Degree Requirements

Courses: Core

EMBA690Strategic Management in Dynamic Environments


HRMT645Operational Human Resource Management


INTD670Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making


MGMT604Organizational Behavior


Total Credit Hours:16

Courses: Concentration

CJUS610Crime Laboratory Management


CJUS620Court Services Management


CJUS630Law Enforcement Management


CJUS640Corrections Management


CJUS650Terrorism and Homeland Security Management


MGMT623Public Administration


MGMT635Grants and Contracts


Total Credit Hours:28

Total Credit Hours: 44


  • Colorado Springs
  • Aurora (Denver Area)
  • Denver North
  • Virtual Campus
  • Sioux Falls