ENGL126-L Sound Writing Skills: Research and Writing With a Purpose

This course is a workshop that builds upon ENGL125 OR ENGL125-L—Real World Writing.  It is a workshop format—highly experiential and hands on.  Students practice drafting progressively complex papers, demonstrating the capacity to do college level research and write essays that convey information, make a point or provide an opinion.  They will study the APA Handbook, learn to do research (beyond Wikipedia!) and cite resources without plagiarizing them.  In addition, this course uses readings to demonstrate excellence and eloquence in speaking and writing, emphasizing the crucial synergy between learning to write and developing the practice of intelligent reading of texts.  This will be a highly collaborative course, with students reading and critiquing others’ work, as a means to create a learning community as well as develop critical capacities.


ENGL125 OR ENGL125-L or ENGL111 or ENG111 or ENG115




This course is no longer offered.